Saturday, February 5, 2011

It's been a while

Oh hello paintbrush, sorry I've been neglecting you...

This morning I did something I haven't done in... a while. I painted. For fun. Just a quick 4x6 paint-sketch in acrylics of a photo I took last weekend. I thought of using a grid to get my proportions accurate, but decided against it for this quick project. Also, I was so eager to get started, I barely took the time to sketch it in pencil at all before attacking it with paint.

The only "rule" I set for myself was not using black. I wanted the dark areas to have a richness that sometimes I find hard to achieve with black. It can be too dense, and when lightened with white, can sometimes seem too cold. I might try variations using black, or perhaps only black and white to explore the tonalities.

Anyway, I'm happy with how it turned out; although I think it looks better from a distance. But more importantly, it felt good, and reminded me happily of all those things I love about painting. The tactile feeling of a brush moving across the subtle texture of the canvas, the marks left behind, and the way the individual strokes combine and blend and build themselves into an image. I need to return to painting with a sense of fun and freedom; as an activity that I look forward to, not a daunting "oh, it won't turn out so why bother" item on a to-do list...


  1. Oh this is so lovely!
    Painting is something I would love to do, but I usually make mud.
    What a gift you have.
    Please keep doing it.

  2. that's awesome! Nice work!

  3. Wowzers! Please do more. Is this based on the earlier image of trees you posted?

  4. It is indeed. Next I'd like to try that one of Meech Lake I posted a while ago. I like the halo around the bullrushes... we'll see!

  5. It looks so great on my computer screen. Congrats on picking up the brush ...

  6. very nice!! So important (and difficult) to continue to paint and draw. It is easy to fall away from it when your day job is a creative one..but you can't get this from a computer!
