Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Crab-apple butter/sauce/jelly

We noticed a bough of the crab apple tree out front was hanging particularly low. We thought it was because it was just laden with so much fruit. But, turns out that branch is split and will have to be removed. (In fact the entire tree is looking a little weary, but we're hoping it will hang on for a few more years.) But the branch is still producing some luscious-looking apples, so at first we thought 'oh, we'll just pick that branch clean and then move on to the rest of the tree' and talked about getting out the ladder and so on. However, after picking a heaping bucket of beautiful, crimson orbs and turning that into 16 jars of delicious apple butter/sauce/jelly, and picking another heaping bucket and prepping them for the freezer, the branch seems no less laden, and we are out of jars and freezer space...

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