Hello! I feel the need to introduce myself because it's been so long... (blows dust off keyboard)... I guess it's not too surprising that with a wee babe on the scene now, I haven't been able to keep up with blogging. How naive I was to think that I would have more time while on maternity leave! Oh, this humble pie is delicious!
Well, let's start the year off fresh! Happy New Year, everyone! I hope you all had a lovely and restful holiday filled with laughter and good times, and perhaps some quiet time curled up in a cozy nook with your favourite book and a cup of tea.
Welcome, twenty-fifteen! Twenty-fourteen sure was an epic year, and I am so excited for all to come this year. I do love this time of year for that hope-filled feeling of starting fresh; reflecting on the past year, and thinking about what you want to manifest in the months ahead. To that end, I have picked one little word. As Ali describes, it's a word to focus on, mediate on, and reflect upon as you go about your daily life. The word I've chosen is pause. Pause to take the time; make the time to really notice. Pause to recognize all the wonderful little things, and to feel gratitude. Pause to listen, instead of speak. Pause to really gather my thoughts before jumping to a conclusion. Pausing before rushing straight into the next task.
With life zooming as it does at lightning speed (how is Fletcher almost 5 months old already?!), I want to stay grounded and present in the hereness — soak up every morsel of every day — frequently take a little pause to appreciate and savour each moment.
What's your word?